
Intervju med Greg Palast

Greg Palast, en av världens främsta undersökande journalister, publicerade i juni sin nya bok Armed Madhouse. Palast är den amerikanske journalisten vars avslöjanden är så förödande att ingen tidning i USA vill publicera det han skriver. Istället jobbar han för BBC, The Oserver och The Guardian. I sin nya bok skriver han bl.a. om den egentliga anledningen till varför U.S.A invaderade Irak. Föga överaskande hade det med olja att göra:

"We were screaming in the streets: no blood for oil, which, of course, you know, most Americans consider a bargain – blood for oil, as long as it’s not their blood, right? But in fact, it wasn’t blood for oil. It was blood for no oil. It was blood to make sure that not too much oil would flow and bust the market. Oil had been down under Bill Clinton to eighteen bucks a barrel. Now it’s over $70 a barrel." -- Greg Palast

Som du säkert känner till så avslöjade Palast i sin förra bok The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, valfusket i Florida vid presidentvalet 2000. I ett sensationellt och skrupulöst undersökt reportage i den nya boken visar Palast att valet 2004 också vanns med valfusk:

"Here's what happened, in a nutshell, for those who don’t remember. ( År 2000 min anmärkning) For BBC Television, I discovered that before the election, Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris scrubbed tens of thousands of black voters off the voter rolls. They called them felons when their only crime was voting while black. That gave little George the White House.
I reported that for BBC, and I couldn’t get that on the air in America for anything. It was completely blacked out until basically Michael Moore brought it up later. You couldn’t talk about the theft of the 2000 election. It was a lockup fest. In 2004, they did it again, and it was bigger and wider and sneakier and stinkier and nastier.
Again, it’s very important to me that I show you the documents, show you the goods, show you the information, so you can see the actual data and proof. And it wasn’t, by the way, just Ohio. Don’t kid yourself. I’m glad that Bobby Kennedy – terrific guy – has now endorsed the idea that it was stolen in Ohio, but it wasn’t just Ohio.
It was Ohio, New Mexico, Iowa, and on and on. 3.6 million votes were cast and never counted in the 2004 election – 3.6 million. This isn’t Greg Palast getting the info from a black helicopter. This is Greg Palast and our team going through the computer files of the election information agency – and, by the way, the computer files of the Republican National Committee, which is one of the most enjoyable parts of the investigation because some schmuck at the RNC wrote some e-mails, in which they were discussing exactly how to jigger the election. We were able to suck that down through a fake web site."

Vad säger du om det, Janne Josefsson? Rigga en falsk websida för att fiska information! Ger nästan det här med dolda kameror ett drag av landsortsjournalistik, eller hur;-)

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